Bissonnette initially shared a three-and-a-half minute video on his social media accounts detailing the incident, which he said took place on the night of November 24 at Houston’s, a restaurant he frequents, and involved a group of “drunk golfers” giving staff a hard time before one of the individuals got into the manager’s face and got physical.
“You could tell he was a little shocked and surprised and stunned,” said Bissonnette, who was involved in 69 fights during his NHL career, according to “It’s a family restaurant. I don’t think there was anybody in there who could go maybe like help him out. I went over, I just grabbed the guy’s arm that was on him, I said ‘Sir, if you continue to harass and assault the staff, we’re going to have problems.
“And then they just started chucking, so it escalated extremely quickly.”
“Got taken down a couple times,” Bissonnette added. “Got boot f**ked a couple of times by the CVS. Luckily didn’t get knocked out. Did go to the hospital, so that’s what everybody is reading about. Just bad dudes. Way too drunk and I don’t know what else they had in their system.
“I’m very, very angry at these guys and kind of want their names out there and kind of want them to pay the piper.”
Bissonnette spent the majority of his NHL career with the then-Phoenix Coyotes, having also played for the Pittsburgh Penguins, where he teamed with his Spittin’ Chiclets co-host Ryan Whitney. The Ontario native joined Turner Sports as part of the inaugural NHL on TNT broadcast team alongside Hockey Hall of Famer Wayne Gretzky, as well as fellow former players Anson Carter and Rick Toochet in 2021.
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